
实习 provide real world experience - a key factor employers look for when hiring.  实习 encourage you to apply your class knowledge to solve problems and contribute to an organization, develop transferable skills that you can use to compete for entry-level jobs, 扩大你的专业网络.  经验是无可替代的, so the more experience you seek out through informational interviews, 工作见习, 和实习, the more prepared you will be to compete for the jobs you want after graduation.




  • Make an appointment with 事业和专业成功
  • 研究 past internship placements sites through your major or college
  • Prepare a strong resume and cover letter
  • Create a LinkedIn account to network and search for opportunities


  • 握手 is the online resource where employers post internships and entry-level jobs to actively recruit UNH students
  • This is only one resource of many that you should be using in your search; be sure to connect with your academic department to see past internship sites and programs other students have attended


  • 点击 "Documents" under your name in the top right corner of your 握手 account and add a PDF or Word doc of your resume


  • 点击 工作 在握手的顶部导航栏
  • 选择 实习 过滤器

 Additional Internship 项目 through UNH

  •  华盛顿中心:  自1976年以来, the 永利app新版本官网地址 (UNH) has affiliated with The 华盛顿中心 (TWC), to offer internships and seminars in Washington DC. DC is home to hundreds of government agencies, 大公司, 非营利组织, 智库, 游说团体, 律师事务所, 和更多的. There are countless internships and networking opportunities for all majors, 包括在媒体上, 艺术, 教育, 业务, 科学, 国际事务中, 环境, 医疗保健, 还有更多
  • 城市学期



  • Take the initiative to help out wherever you can and have a positive, can-do attitude to exceed expectations
  • Many employers see internships as extended interviews and use them to find and develop new talent
  • Be the best intern they have and you can increase your chances of an entry-level job with their organization


  • 不要分心
  • Stay away from social media or personal phone calls/texts while at your internship
  • Remember to act professionally and take your work seriously


    • Be mindful of how things are done at the organization and stay within the "norm".


    • Make sure your clothing is appropriate for 环境
    • The way you dress to attend class varies from a working environment
    • Steer clear from low necklines, tank tops, shorts, flip-flops, and hats


      • Always remember to be polite when talking with others
      • On occasion, small talk may be okay in office environments, but long chit-chats may not be


        • 深入挖掘你正在做的事情
        • Don’t be afraid to ask questions to learn more
        • If you produce reports or any materials related to a project keep copies and include them in a portfolio to support your resume claims.  Having something to show from your internship experience will help you in your job search.  


        • Stay in touch with the organization and its people for future opportunities within the company and for professional references
        • Seek out additional ways you can contribute to the organization if you are interested in working there



          • 应用 knowledge from the classroom to on the job situations
          • Gain valuable related work experience and skills
          • Explore potential careers in areas of your choice
          • Get your foot in the door at a company or organization
          • Network with professionals to build relationships
          • 建立专业参考
          • 生涯探索
          • 更高的薪水
          • 专业技能发展




          • 学生 receive an hourly wage (equivalent or greater than the NH state minimum wage) 


          • 学生 will gain valuable knowledge, skills, and working experience to add to their resume


          • If you want academic credit for your internship, you will need to obtain a faculty sponsor from your major or minor department
          • 填写 Earning Academic Credit for Internship Experience, a proposal outline that you can adapt and use when approaching potential faculty sponsors to seek their guidance and approval for academic credit
          • 准备好回答他们的问题, especially when asked what your learning goals are and how the particular internship experience relates to your major area of study
          • You and your faculty sponsor will complete the appropriate paperwork
          • To be eligible for credit, the internship must relate to your academic major or minor
          • Some departments have additional criteria that students must meet to be eligible for internship credit
          • Academic credit internships generally begin and end on the semester schedule
          • 就像上课一样, you will sign up for your internship through The Registrar's Office and pay for the credit hours earned

          Interested in an internship with 事业和专业成功? 了解更多